The History of Christ For All Nations

Called to Evangelism.
Reinhard and Anni Bonnke
Reinhard and Anni Bonnke

Reinhard and Anni Bonnke spent seven long years in Maseru, doing the work of missionaries in the traditional way. However, during those years the call to evangelism that burned in his soul took wings, until by repeated miracles and moves of the Holy Spirit, literally millions of men and women across the world have heard the good news of the Gospel through his annointed ministry.

In those early days in Lesotho, God showed Reinhard a vision of a 'blood-washed Africa.' Even though at that time there was little or no evidence in his ministry that such a grand idea was even remotely possible, Reinhard took hold of the vision and in Jesus' name began to speak it and live it.

Christ for all Nations was born.

In 1974, the evangelistic organization Christ for all Nations was born, with a small team gathered around the young evangelist to reach out to the peoples of Africa. They hosted their first meeting in Botswana with just one small fellowship co-operating and only one hundred attendees. Reinhard was disappointed, but nevertheless preached as if the place were full. To his complete amazement, after only a few minutes, a man in the congregation jumped to his feet and disrupted the proceedings by shouting out, “I’ve just been healed!” This was repeated five times over as others shouted out the same thing, resulting in an outburst of joyous praise.

January 31
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