To celebrate 50 years of ministry, we are conducting 50 crusades, from Cape Town to Cairo, and surpassing the landmark of 100 million salvations. We need your help to reach that goal. Will you answer the call to see Africa saved?


Documented Decisions for Christ and counting

Help Us Reach $5 Million and 100 Million Souls
$377,274 Raised

From Cape Town to Cairo in 2024!

Do you remember the dream God gave Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, the dream of a blood-washed Africa? Do you remember his rallying cry: “From Cape Town to Cairo”? In 2024, we will celebrate 50 years of Christ for all Nations ministry – our Golden Anniversary – and what an amazing 50 years it has been! We’ve documented over 94 million decisions for Christ in since we started counting in 1987, and are on track to surpass 100 million salvations within our 50th year!

We’ve seen entire cities and even nations shaken by the power of God. And in 2024, as we celebrate 50 years as a ministry, we are conducting 50 campaigns, in 50 cities/regions across Africa, starting in Cape Town and ending in Cairo. We will work to see 10 million people come to Christ in our 50th year, bringing the total number of documented salvations to 100 million! And we will do all of this for around fifth of what it used to cost. This is true multiplication!
Such an accomplishment is possible only because we have been working to "multiply" ourselves on every front. We are multiplying evangelists, campaign organizers, technicians, teachers and our volunteer work force. It has been a monumental task, but it has proven highly effective – even more effective than we could have dreamed.

Yes, it CAN and WILL be done!

Where do we get our numbers? It is important to clarify that we don’t count all the numbers from Alliance members in our statistics. For one thing, it would be very difficult to even collect these figures. But even more importantly, the numbers we report follow some very specific requirements.

  1. The numbers we report are from CfaN initiatives (which means it is our team organizing, overseeing and leading).
  2. The numbers we report are from new converts that have, in most cases, received our CfaN follow up literature.
  3. The numbers we report are from new converts that have been ushered into our follow up system, meaning we are working with local churches to see these new converts discipled and retained.

All of this means that these statistics are not guesses or estimations. They are reliable numbers, every bit as credible as any statistics that have been used in the past. And these are numbers that reflect the work CfaN is doing directly (not simply reporting on work others are doing). These outcomes are the result of years of hard work and represent the sacrifice and labor of literally hundreds of team members around the world.

To date, CfaN has trained more than 1,700 evangelists and campaign organizers through several different training programs (including Fire CampsSchool of Evangelism and the CfaN Evangelism Bootcamp). Upon graduation, these evangelists from around the world are brought together in the CfaN Evangelism Alliance where they continue to collaborate with CfaN and with one another. Through that Alliance, millions of souls are coming to Christ every year.

Due to the large number of crusades being conducted year around across the world, some of the information and data numbers may be outdated and may not reflect the most current numbers coming from the field.

50th Year Crusade Reports

Read the amazing reports of miracles, healings, deliverances, and the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit moving across Africa, as we travel ‘…from Cape Town to Cairo’ in 2024, conducting fifty mass gospel crusades.

Crusade Report – Feb 2024

Aba, Nigeria

Crusade Report – Jun 2024

Kampala, uganda

Crusade Report – Aug 2024

Mbuji-Mayi, Congo

A Legacy To Be Remembered

Maseru, Lesotho. The destination, in 1969, of a young German missionary named Reinhard Bonnke, his wife Anni and their baby son. The place where it all began as God shaped a young man of faith and began to mold the “character of faith” in him that would later challenge the devil across the entire continent of Africa and in scores of still undreamed-of places beyond.

Africa Shall Be Saved   |   From Cape Town to Cairo   |   79 Million Salvations in Reinhard’s Lifetime

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